1. The concepts of age, sex and race are (Points : 1) Ascribed statuses Achieved statuses Demographi

1. The concepts of age, sex and race are (Points : 1) Ascribed statuses Achieved statuses Demographic variables Achieved statuses and Demographic variables2. Applied research is a designed for a particular use, such as evaluating a program. (Points : 1) True False3. Sociologists focus on _____________ behavior (Points : 1) Individual Group Adolescent Animal4. A city councilman broke the law by taking money from a company who was then awarded a city contract, and was then forced to resign. Which term best explains his behavior? (Points : 1) Role strain Role confusion Role conflict Folkway5. Someone calls you on the phone and asks you who you are going to vote for. This is what kind of research? (Points : 1) Interview Poll Experiment Field research6. Which type of research starts by collecting data and analyzing it to look for patterns? (Points : 1) Inductive Deductive7. What is the term used by sociologists to explain how they will measure a variable? (Points : 1) Interactionism Deduction Induction Operationalization8. What kind of survey question is the following: “Do you like summer and going to the beach and hiking in the mountains?†(Points : 1) A double-barreled question that is hard to answer A clearly easy to answer question A quantitative question A nonparametric question9. Sociologists strive to avoid being biased when selecting a topic of analyzing data so that one can let the facts speak for themselves. This principle is known as (Points : 1) Value free sociology Subjectivity Deduction Interactionism10. You occupy a _____________ and you play a ____________. (Points : 1) Status, role Role, status Role, role Status, status

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