Blogging Tips to Help you Write a Good Essay

Each and every student always look forward to the day they’re going to be experts in writing. It is the best feeling ever! Imagine submitting a high quality essay, watching your professor smile while going through your paper, and scoring A+. It’s a good feeling, right? It could be your dream come true. Well, not all students manage to keep up with this because just a single bad grade, they give up. There’s a lot to learn in school, and most of the time, students say that it’s too much work to learn all the things that will be tested in the paper. Well, that’s not true. If you are willing to learn new things every day and practice a few things to succeed, then there’s nothing difficult in learning everything that you need. So below are a few blogging tips to help you become a good writer.

1. Add pictures

It doesn’t matter how appealing or insightful an image is if it isn’t followed by text that describes how to use it. Make sure the text next to your image supports it not only in the context of your paper, but also in the context of the section where you’ve chosen to include it. You must ensure that the image you use is a stock picture or a copyright-free image. Although your professor may not recognize a picture from a random website, there’s always the possibility that they will. Don’t take a picture you don’t have permission to use while there are hundreds of awesome free pictures available online.

2. Avoid irrelevant information

When writing a blog post, you must get straight to the meat of the matter from the start. When you have 500-1000 words to work with, you don’t have time to waste on rambling sentences or insignificant information. Bloggers are not allowed to go off on tangents, get sidetracked, or engage in navel-gazing. Even if the paper’s duration is a little longer, students should make their papers as easy to read as a blog post.

3. Use a conversational voice

While most academic writing does not allow you to use slang, crack jokes, or share personal information about your life, you can have a much more readable paper if you do not sound stuck-up. Take a look at the blogs of well-known corporations as an example. You won’t feel like you’re reading an inaccessible book because they’re never too casual. Stick to your voice until you’ve decided on one for your paper; you don’t want to be the reader’s buddy one minute and their octogenarian professor the next. When you master a consistent voice, you will be able to write a fantastic essay.

4. Know Your Reader

Consider how much your professor already knows about the topic before proceeding. There’s no need to say your teacher Shakespeare’s birthday or the plot of Romeo and Juliet if you’re taking a Shakespeare lesson. Believe us when we say that he/she already knows. You may appear amateurish if you begin with information that are common knowledge in a specialized class.

Similarly, no one blogging about food will begin a recipe for coffee by instructing readers on how to boil water. If you are uncertain about any specifics, offer a quick description without going into detail; it is preferable to anyone calling you on incorrect information.

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