Is acknowledgment important in this case? Should mash-up DJs give credit to the artists they sample, or is it all fair game?

After watching the video about mash-ups, explain your thinking about mash-ups and the ethics of mash-up artists. Some questions to ponder and jump-start your ideas:

Is it a big deal for mash-up DJs to sample the music of artists who came before them? What about it makes it right/wrong?
Is acknowledgment important in this case? Should mash-up DJs give credit to the artists they sample, or is it all fair game?
Why do you think mash-up DJs create their music this way?

POST your reasoning to the discussion forum–whose side did you choose and why?

After watching the video about Al Gore, think about the following questions:

Why did Al Gore do this?
Is what Al Gore did a big deal or not? Is it dishonest?
Is it wrong for a documentary to use a fabricated Hollywood shot to make a point even if there’s science behind it?
Does it harm his credibility?
What are the consequences?
Following your reflection on the above questions consider how big of a deal is Al Gore’s usage of the footage from The Day After Tomorrow?

If we are to continue to seek full equality, shouldn’t we speak about these injustices throughout modern teachings so that we can learn from? Why would modern teachings not want to include this important part of history?

Submit your 250-300 word reflection paper by 9 p.m. on Sunday. Please respond to a minimum of two assigned texts (readings and/or films).

Assignment guidelines:

The goal of this assignment is to make sure that you are actively and critically engaging with the assigned texts. Rather than summarizing, this is a space for you to develop your own analysis of the material.

Questions it may be helpful to consider in writing your reflection:

What are the main arguments? Do you find them convincing? Why or why not?
What points of comparison can you identify among these texts, and how do they relate to one another?
How do these texts relate to larger themes and topics of the course?
What questions do these texts bring up for you?

Read posted reflections and respond to at least one of them (100-150 word comment)


The main arguments of both texts, White Women’s Rights: The Racial Origins of Feminism in the United States by Louise Michele Newman and “A Heritage of Ableist Rhetoric in American Feminism from the Eugenics Period” in Feminist Disability Studies by Sharon Lamp and W. Carol Cleigh both are ones often overlooked. They are similar because both of the main arguments discuss the ways the feminist movement throughout the eighteen and nineteen hundreds segregated a section of females in order to better the part of the group that was more societally excepted. Even though the groups they shut off from their support were still women, they decided that apparently having two qualities that society saw as less than, in this case race and disability, was too detrimental to their cause and therefore excluded them from the movement.

To make matters worse, they both used the differing characteristics of the groups they shunned, racial differences and disability, to build their platform by using them to make arguments for white, “normal” equality. One of the biggest similarities between the two texts is that both arguments put focus on the similar qualities that the females and males have, like the argument that a white woman is equal to a white man because they both are white, and they made these arguments by segregating the quality (i.e. race) that makes them different. By doing this, they take the focus off of gender, and put the focus on the ideal quality they have in common.

I say “overlooked” in the first paragraph because I was never taught this in any former history or humanities class I have ever taken, and there was never any mention of the oppression of people in multiple minority groups by the feminist movement throughout my progression through public schools. Why do we refrain from teaching such a crucial side of the feminist movement throughout schooling? Clearly, the oppression of people in multiple minority groups was a continuously used tactic as the feminist movement continued to oppress people of other minorities in order to gain equality for those who were female, but also had the ideal qualities of the cultural times (i.e. white, Christian, rich, able-bodied, etc.). Why must we continue to shield ourselves from the mistakes of the past? If we are to continue to seek full equality, shouldn’t we speak about these injustices throughout modern teachings so that we can learn from? Why would modern teachings not want to include this important part of history?

Do you believe that boys and girls/men and women should stick to the qualities, interests, etc., that society deems appropriate for their gender?

We have all heard about the girl who wants to join the wrestling team and the boy who wants an Easy Bake Oven. Think about some of your earliest experiences with gender. Consider at school, extracurricular activities, your parents, your friends, etc. Discuss gender roles, stereotypes, myths, and/or controls in society that existed then and you see exist today. Do you feel that males or females have more or less “controls” placed on them by society? Is it fair? Do you believe that boys and girls/men and women should stick to the qualities, interests, etc., that society deems appropriate for their gender?

What are the five key considerations the author suggestion you be aware of when preparing for and whil participating in a video interview?

Read “How to Nail a Video Interview” from

The link is

Reflect on your reading and answer the following questions:

1. Why is is so important for students like you to know how to “Nail a Video Interview”?

2. What is the difference between a video interview and an in person interview?

3. What are the five key considerations the author suggestion you be aware of when preparing for and whil participating in a video interview? Which of these were the most surprising to you? How will you prepare for your next video interview?

Deadline: 2 hours

Number of Pages: 01

What is a deposition? Can a deposition be used during the trial process? What would be the need to use a deposition in trial if the witness if available to testify?


APA format
500 words
3 sources minimum
1. In our modern times, cell phones are ubiquitous, and as common as they are, it should be no surprise that cell phones can play a role in computer crimes. Research the types of crimes that are committed via cell phone. Find a case involving a cell phone. What was the outcome? Be sure to provide details of the case. Do you believe that crimes involving the use of cell phones will increase? Please give reasons to support your answers.

2. Expert consultants are often a part of both criminal and civil investigations. What are reasons why you may need an expert to assist you with an investigation? Why should credibility of an expert matter?
3. What is a deposition? Can a deposition be used during the trial process? What would be the need to use a deposition in trial if the witness if available to testify?


APA format
500 words
3 sources minimum
Take some time and research a Rule 41 which is a new US. Computer Search Law . Discuss the pros and cons of this law.

Discuss some employer tactics used to prevent or minimize union membership growth prior to the passage of the National Labor Relations Act in 1935. Which, if any, of these tactics would be lawful today? Why, or why not?

Discuss some employer tactics used to prevent or minimize union membership growth prior to the passage of the National Labor Relations Act in 1935. Which, if any, of these tactics would be lawful today? Why, or why not?

Examine the challenges for unions and employers in the modern workplace.

This assignment needs to be two pages in length. Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Your APA-formatted response must be a minimum of 2 pages in length (not including the title page and the reference page). Your sources should be located using the CSU Online Library and must be peer-reviewed. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Explain how your company’s culture and learning organizational abilities may support or detract from a change initiative.

Purpose of Assignment

Students will learn to assess how an organization’s culture and strategy may impact the ability to consume and implement change, comprehend the different types of organizational structures, and how this may impact change initiatives. Students will understand how there are several influencing factors in how change is consumed by organizations.

Assignment Steps


Research the company’s culture.

Provide a 700-word summary regarding your organization:

Summarize your review and research.
Display the characteristics displayed by your company’s abilities as a learning organization.
Explain how your company’s culture and learning organizational abilities may support or detract from a change initiative.
Include at least three peer reviewed references.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

***USE WALMART as company******

Consider a hypothetical processor that is 16-bit and uses 16-bit buses. What is the maximum memory address space that this processor can access?

50 words each
apa format

3 sources, include chapter 3 from Computer organization
Name 5 components of the von Neumann model and state its purpose.
What is a bus?
Explain the roles of the data bus, control bus and address bus.
Explain the concept of buffering.
Explain the concept of the control unit. Why does the control unit improve the systems performance?
Explain what a system clock is, and why it is important.
What is the PSW?
What are registers used for?
Which processor would be faster: Processor A – 16 bit, 2 GHz; OR Processor B – 32 bit 1 GHz? Explain your selection.
What is a Bidirectional bus?
What type of security did the early (pre-1960) computer systems use?
Consider a hypothetical processor that is 16-bit and uses 16-bit buses. What is the maximum memory address space that this processor can access?
What is propagation delay? What role does it play in I/O devices?
What is the RISC and CISC?
What is an interrupt?
Based on what you have learned about I/O, explain the difference between Sequential and Random Accessing methods.
Explain the difference between RAM and ROM memory.

How does this article contribute to contemporary thinking about research?

Using the CSU Online Library, locate a peer-reviewed article that discusses research in an organization. Topic ideas include the role of research, development of research studies, integration of different types of methods, or the communication of research results within an organization. Note that these are ideas; please expand within the parameters of research used within organizations. Respond to the following questions/topics:

1. Summarize the article with an eye on the author’s main point.

2. How does this article contribute to contemporary thinking about research?

3. How does this article illustrate the importance of using research to make decisions within an organization?

4. How can information in this article be applied to your field?

5. What is your opinion on the topic of this article?

Your APA-formatted response must be a minimum of three pages in length (not including the title page and the reference page). Your sources should be located using the CSU Online Library and must be peer-reviewed. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. For step-by-step instructions for formatting a paper in APA style, please refer to the CSU Citation Guide at Instructions for formatting formal documents can be found on page 17. Information about accessing the Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

What would happen if CPUs were as susceptible to perception and error as the human brain?


APA format
375 words
3 sources minimum
In this week’s reading, a computer’s central processing unit (CPU) was compared to a human brain. When the human brain is damaged, our ability to think clearly and behave properly can be negatively impacted.

What happens when a CPU is damaged? In other words, what computer operations are impacted and why?
What would happen if CPUs were as susceptible to perception and error as the human brain?
How is computer hardware, created by human brains, limited by its’ developers?
How is computer memory similar to human memory?
How is computer memory different than human memory?

APA format
375 words
3 sources minimum
As the size of a computer bus increases, the result is faster computing and greater throughput of information. As developers have refined computer hardware components, such as bus processing speed, our ability to quickly access information and complete work has also improved.

What are the benefits of increased computer speed?
What are the costs of increased computer speed?
In your opinion, could a computer ever be “too fast”?
Why or why not?
If you believe a computer could eventually be “too fast”, at what point do you think that speed threshold would be reached?
If you do NOT believe a computer could ever be “too fast”, how might computer users be impacted by the fact that the average human brain has not increased the speed with which it processes data at the same rate computer processing speeds have evolved?