Click on the Women in Afghanistan Turn to Self-Immolation OverAbuse video link in your Week One…

Click on the Women in Afghanistan Turn to Self-Immolation OverAbuse video link in your Week One Electronic Reserve Readings page.Watch, read, and listen to the media presented, which deals withdomestic violence. Domestic violence can take the form of physicalassault, sexual and emotional abuse, intimidation, economicdeprivation, and threats of violence. 

It occurs in all cultures and knows no boundaries of race, sex, orsocial class. Victims of domestic violence often find themselvesdealing with a dilemma: if they run away or denounce theperpetrator, they fear retaliation; if they keep quiet and let theperpetrator get away with their actions, then their own silentsuffering continues. 

What strategies could you use to help someone deal with this kindof dilemma? QUESTION TITLE :- Hum 111 Week 1 DQ 1

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