Describe your exact contributions to your project

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ADMG 374 Individual Assignment

Team Performance Assessment

(Note there are two pages)

My name: Date: My team name:

1. Describe your exact contributions to your project. Be detailed and specific. What did you do to contribute to the overall success of your team?

2. Enter each team member’s name below. Rate each member in each category on a scale of 0 to 5 where 0 is non-existent and 10 is exemplary. Provide at least a paragraph that defends your rating in the “why” column! Scores will be averaged among all team members to form a composite average score for this assignment.

Timeliness refers to the team member’s delivery of their portion of work on time as expected by the project manager. Quality refers to the quality of their contributions. Support and Reliability refers to the team member’s overall commitment to the success of the team (e.g. attending meetings/project team time). Communication refers to how well the team member communicated any issues, absences, or other issues with assignments. Refer back to your team expectations to see if they communicated as you and your team had discussed.

Team Member Name Timeliness


Quality of Contributions




Support Reliability


Total score Why? Defend your rating scores

3. In addition to rating your team member performance rate your own performance using the same scale:

Team Member Name Timeliness


Quality of Contributions




Support Reliability


Total score Why? Defend your rating scores

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