ENG 120

1.     Full Title: Blessed Complexities, Cursed Confusions: Identity Conflicts of Multilingual Persons

Author(s): O’Herin, Julie

Publication Date: April 14, 2007

Publication Type (journal, report, etc.): Non-Journal

Publisher (journal name or publishing organization): California Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages

Number of pages: 9

Is it peer reviewed? No, it’s not.

Is it available in full text? Yes, it is.

Key Words/Descriptors (provide a minimum of three): Bilingualism, Language Usage and Teaching Methods.


The link to the full text of the article: https://eric.ed.gov/?q=benefits+of+multilingualism&ft=on&ff1=subMultilingualism&id=ED526429

First paragraph: Brief summary of the articleSecond paragraph: Critique and analysis of the article

Third paragraph: Implication of the paragraph/relevance to your topic

Need to read this article from the Internet and write one-two pages, which includes 3 paragraphs.

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