Ilene did a survey of 360 customers regarding satisfaction with the services on The Swamp Critter In

Ilene did a survey of 360 customers regarding satisfaction with the services on The Swamp Critter Inn and type of customer. A walk-in customer is one who has seen no ads and has not been referred to the Inn. The other customers either saw a TV as or were referred to the Inn (but not both). The results follow.
Not Satisfied219535
Neutral 18253780
Very Satisfied283148107
Total 103108 149360
Walk-inTV ADReferred Total
Let’s use the following notation for the various events: W=Walk-in, TV= Saw TV Ad, R= Referred, NS= Not Satisfied, N= Neutral, S= Satisfied, and V= Very satisfied. Find the following probabilities correct to four places after the decimal point.
A) P(NS)
B) P(NS^c)
C) P(NS and W)
D) P(R/NS)
E) P(NS/R)
F) P(V or TV)

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