Topic is Social construction of crime and race.

Topic is Social construction of crime and race.
Double-Spaced, New Times Roman, 12 point type.
Must cite any outside sources/references used
Paper Rubric is also attached. Here are some PDF journal articles/sources I found ON Google Scholar that I would like to use and please feel free to add any more.
Haney-Lopez, I. F. (1994). Social Construction of Race: Some Observations on Illusion, Fabrication, and Choice, The. Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, 29, 1.
Jacobs, J. B., & Henry, J. S. (1995). Social Construction of a Hate Crime Epidemic, The. J. Crim. L. & Criminology, 86, 366.
Pain, R. (2000). Place, social relations and the fear of crime: a review. Progress in Human Geography, 24(3), 365-387.
Gall, Gallantry, and the Gallows: Capital Punishment and the Social Construction of Gender, 1840-1920 Gender & Society June 1, 2008 22: 324-348
Barak, G. (1995). Media, process, and the social construction of crime: Studies in newsmaking criminology (Vol. 10). Taylor & Francis.

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