english 315

Follow the link below to the Word document titled “Wk3_FAQ.”  

Your Professional Experience assignment is to choose a frequently asked question that has not yet been answered from the “Wk3_FAQ” document. Next, provide the best answer possible (within 20-50 words) and put your name in the “Employee” section.  Finally, submit the answer to your chosen question in the Professional Experience #2 link from the Week 2 tab in Blackboard.

In order to receive credit for completing this task you must:

•   Choose an unanswered question (with an answer between 20-50 words; any source information does not count towards the word count) 

•   Provide a viable, complete answer (if you use a source other than the textbook to answer the question, you must provide a link or other clear credit to the source) 

•   Fill in the “Employee” section with your name 

•   Submit your FAQ answer to the Week 3 Professional Experience #2 link in Blackboard

Link for OneDrive (Week 3)

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Plan, create, and evaluate professional documents.
  • Write clearly, coherently, and persuasively using proper grammar and mechanics, and formatting appropriate to the situation.
  • Deliver professional information to various audiences using appropriate tone, style, and format.
  • Learn communication fundamentals and execute various professional tasks in a collaborative manner.
  • Analyze professional communication examples to assist in revision.

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