for michael smith only

Using the work you compiled from Steps One and Two, complete the table below.

Create a thesis statement by adding A + B + C from the completed table.

Part Two – Creating an Outline

Complete an outline for your final essay. Details must be specific passages or sentences.Remember, the more detail you include on the outline, the easier the paper will be to draft!

  • Your outline must have at least three main points (I, II, and III) related to your chosen topic.
  • Your outline must also have at least an A and a B under each main point.
  • Your outline may (but is not required to) contain a 1 and a 2 under the A and B levels.

 I.      First body paragraph topic:

A.  Supporting detail:

1.   Subdetail:

2.   Subdetail:

B.  Supporting detail:

1.   Subdetail:

2.   Subdetail:                 

II.      Second body paragraph topic:

A.  Supporting detail:

1.   Subdetail:

2.   Subdetail:

B.  Supporting detail:

1.   Subdetail:

2.   Subdetail:

III.      Third body paragraph topic:

A.  Supporting detail:

1.   Subdetail:

2.   Subdetail:

B.  Supporting detail:

1.   Subdetail:

2.         Subdetail:

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