For Pay Package One, you will be paid a weekly salary and a percentage of your sales. To determine your pay, use the equation, P = w + rs, where P is your pay, w is your weekly salary, r is the commission rate (written as a decimal) you earn on sales, and s is your sales for the week


Linear equations allow us to use math to model the real world. Linear equations can be used to determine the sale price of a sweater on clearance, the cost of a taxi ride, how many yards of material you need to make a banner for the football team, or how many plants to buy to border a walkway. On the Unit 3 Discussion Board, we will use what we know about linear equations to prepare for a salary negotiation.

Congratulations! You got the call. You are the newest sales rep for Vandelay Industries. You have an appointment with your manager next week to negotiate your pay package. Thanks to the Unit 3 Discussion Board, YOU are going to be prepared!

Post 1

For Pay Package One, you will be paid a weekly salary and a percentage of your sales. To determine your pay, use the equation, P = w + rs, where P is your pay, w is your weekly salary, r is the commission rate (written as a decimal) you earn on sales, and s is your sales for the week.

  • Choose a weekly salary, w, between $200 and $500.
  • Choose a commission rate, r, between 2% and 10%.
  • Choose sales between $10,000 and $100,000.

Calculate your pay for Pay Package One making sure to show the original equation and all steps to solve the equation. Review an example of a response for this Discussion.


W= 400

R= 8% = 0.08

S= 70,000

P = W + RS

P = 400 + 0.08(70,000)

P = 400 + 5,600

P = $6,000

The Pay for Pay Package One is $6,000

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