Give a brief overview of the business, why you chose the business and why you choose the Country.

Write a paper that focuses on one of topics mentioned in the chapters covered in the module.  Pick a country in Central or South America to open a business (your choice for type of business and country).   Give a brief overview of the business, why you chose the business and why you choose the Country.  Prepare an expatriate manager for his/her task of setting up the facility in that Country.  Discuss the various cultural implications.   Special attention should be paid to legal issues, cross-cultural management of employees, conflict resolution, politics, and the influence of religion in the workplace.  You can use these questions/examples as and outline, or you can support your own theories for your assignment.

See “APA Helpers” Module as a guide for all assignments.

Deliverables:  30 total points

Drop Box Assignment Requirements (APA Format):

Cover Page (Name, Course, School and Date)

Running Headers

650 to 750 words


Times New Roman Font

APA Format (See APA Helpers for Examples)

Meaningful, applicable content

Due 11:55pm, Sunday.


2 – 3 Total References

Internal citations/matching references

APA format

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