public health promotion in SA /P5

Describe a promotional activity (TV, billboard, brochures) that you have observed in Saudi Arabia regarding public health. An example might be a TV advertisement promoting vaccinations for children (do not use this example for your assignment). Discuss the entity that is promoting this education, analyze how this entity was tasked with this role, and why this education and role are important to your community. In what ways do you think the promotion could be improved?

If you are unable to locate such an activity, identify an issue that you believe needs public promotion. Describe this issue and why you think it needs this activity. Then describe what the promotional activity might be (e.g., brochures, billboards, TV ads, and more). Be sure to note how you think it will impact the community and who should be in charge of the promotion.

Your paper should meet the following structural requirements:

  • five pages in length, not including the cover sheet and reference page.
  • Formatted according to APA ,use in text citation for your whole paragraph.
  • Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of 6 scholarly articles. 

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