Read the biographical information provided in your textbook concerning this author, and then read his selected poems.

Read the biographical information provided in your textbook concerning this author, and then read his selected poems. Do not delete the questions; simply add your answers using a different-colored font.

“A Psalm of Life”:

1. What part(s) of this poem reflect Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s attempt to define American identity?

2. What is Longfellow’s message in his poem and is this message still relevant today? Explain. 

3. Looking at his message, what qualities and values as a person do you think HWL lived by?

4. Describe Longfellow’s voice in this poem and how does it reflect his message?

5. Which images in the poem strengthen/illuminate Longfellow’s message?

6. What traditional poetic conventions (i.e. rhyme, simile, meter, etc.) can you identify in this poem? Do they enhance your appreciation for the poem?

short but clear answers are fine

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