Identify and evaluate commonalities and differences in demographic variables and psychological profiles between subtypes of victims that may present in this population.

Write a 10 page research paper, in APA format, regarding juvenile domestic violence victimization addressing the following:

Describe the theoretical and empirical knowledge about psychological trauma and the impact of victimization within this population.

Identify and evaluate commonalities and differences in demographic variables and psychological profiles between subtypes of victims that may present in this population.

Compare and contrast empirical research findings related to the assessment and evaluation of victims in this population.

Compare and contrast empirical research findings related to treatment for victims in this population.

Define and analyze the role and impact of the criminal justice system on victims within this population.

Define and analyze the role and impact of past and current legal rights on victims within this population

Imagine that scientists were able to identify specific genes linked to serious criminal behavior and it was possible to remove or redesign these genes. Are you in favor of this type of gene manipulation? Why or why not?

As a child and young man, Charles Whitman was kind, quiet, and known by all as a “good boy” serving as both an altar boy and an Eagle Scout. As a student at the University of Texas, however, he began to experience severe headaches, assaulted his wife, and became involved in numerous fights. He confided to his psychiatrist that he was fighting the urge toward even more extreme violent behavior. He lost the fight. Climbing to the top of the campus observation tower with a high-powered rifle, he shot wildly at his fellow students, ultimately killing 14 people and wounding more than 20 before the police finally killed him. An autopsy on Whitman’s body revealed a large tumor pressing against his amygdala.

1. Recognizing that this area of the brain is known to regulate aggressive behaviors in animals (the research is less clear for humans), should Whitman be held fully responsible for his actions? Why or why not?

2. If Whitman had lived, would you have been in favor of capital punishment or life imprisonment for his crimes?

3. Imagine that scientists were able to identify specific genes linked to serious criminal behavior and it was possible to remove or redesign these genes. Are you in favor of this type of gene manipulation? Why or why not?


Before you begin, remember to review the class Discussion Board Guidelines.

Your original post, in response to the discussion prompt above, should contain a minimum of 125 words, not including restatement of questions or reference sections. Utilize critical thinking, and support your work with additional resources as applicable.

In addition, read and respond to the posts of two of your peers/classmates. Your response must be 100 words, substantive, and expand the discussion.

Finally, any content that is paraphrased, summarized or quoted in your discussion post or response must be must be cited using APA format. For more information on APA format, review the OWL Guide: APA General FormatLinks to an external site.

Chapter PowerPoint attached & guidelines